
How to Prepare for a Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisals are an opportunity to understand your role and achieve clarity in terms of what is expected of you, gain feedback on your performance, recognition for good performance, identify your strengths and how they could be best utilised, plan your development with the support of the organisation, improve your working relationship and receive support to overcome any difficulties . The course will help participants understand the purpose of the appraisal; develop the skills and confidence to fully prepare.

Making the most of the opportunity the performance appraisal offers to make contributions known and to get meaningful feedback and direction that will assist in meaningful personal development and effective working practices

What will I cover in the course

  • Benefits of an performance appraisal review to the individual and company
  • Principles of an effective Performance appraisal review
  • How to prepare
  • Agreeing SMART objectives
  • Review process

How is the course delivered

This interactive course is delivered over a 1/2 day session

What will I gain from this course

Understand the core benefits of the appraisal process. Learn how to make a positive contribution to your performance appraisal interview. Complete a self-evaluation, recognise personal achievements, receive constructive feedback and discuss and agree S.M.A.R.T objectives

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